4 September، 2024

Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences related to the HACCP environmental system and the possibility of applying it in local laboratories..

This morning, Wednesday, September 4, 2024, a discussion of a master’s thesis for the student Baqer Tariq Muhammad Al-Imam took place on his thesis entitled “Study of the HACCP environmental system and the possibility of applying it in local laboratories in Nineveh Governorate” in the discussion hall in our college.
The discussion committee was headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Mazen Nizar Fadl and membership of Assistant Professor Dr. Taha Muhammad Taqi and Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Ahmed Abdullah and membership and supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ayman Muhammad Jabr.
The study included the use of next generation sequencing NGS and TCLP technology and questionnaires in addition to the HACCP hazard analysis and critical control points system in assessing the safety of food factories in the city of Mosul.
The study aimed to detect bacterial contamination in food laboratories using NGS technology, and the possibility of applying the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system in food laboratories in Mosul city, in addition to detecting wastewater contamination with chemicals in food laboratories using TCLP technology, and knowing the extent of food laboratories in Mosul city’s commitment to the PRP prerequisite programs.

The study recommended increasing the volume and diversity of field research and future studies targeting food laboratories, and the urgent need to apply the HACCP system in all food laboratories in Mosul city, in addition to enhancing cooperation between government agencies and the private sector in the field of food safety, and improving techniques for detecting pollution in water and air in food laboratories by adopting advanced technologies such as NGS and TCLP.
The Dean of the College, Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, also presented certificates of appreciation to Assistant Professor Dr. Taha Muhammad Taqi and Assistant Professor Dr. Omar Ahmed Abdullah for their attendance and active participation in the discussion.

Division of Media and Government Communication
College of Environmental Sciences
Wednesday 4 September 2024

