
A scientific visit by students of the Department of Environmental Technology to the Al-Ayser water liquefaction station..

Under the direct guidance of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, the esteemed Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, and the supervision of the Head of the Environmental Technologies Department, the esteemed Dr. Iyad Fadil [Read More]


Part of the conduct of the final exams for the first semester for first-year students in the College of Environmental Sciences.

With pictures.. Part of the conduct of the final exams for the first semester for first-year students in the College of Environmental Sciences. Thursday, February 15, 2024. All the best to our dear students. Media [Read More]


Participation of a teacher from the College of Environmental Sciences in a scientific symposium..

Dr. Muhammad Yahya Allawi, a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Health at the College of Environmental Sciences, participated in the scientific symposium entitled “Herbs-Diabetes,” which was held by Micro-labs Limited in the Engineers Syndicate [Read More]


Selection of a teacher from the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies as a member of a ministerial committee to evaluate research.

Professor Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil, Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, was chosen as a member of a ministerial committee to evaluate the research participating in a major research competition on the topic of [Read More]


The head of the Environmental Technology Department holds a meeting with the faculty in the department..

Within the series of periodic meetings of the Environmental Technology Department for the current academic year, the Head of the Environmental Technology Department, Assistant Professor Dr. Iyad Fadil Al-Naama, and in the presence of the [Read More]


The head of the Environmental Health Department holds a meeting with the department’s members..

In implementation of the directives of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Assistant Professor Dr. Yousra Majeed Al-Shaker, the Head of the Environmental Health Department, Assistant Professor Dr. Rehab Abdel-Jabbar Hamid [Read More]

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