In a statistic of numbers of the college participants in seminars and conferences for 2013 , there were 81 participations in different scientific and academic activities.
M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology is proud to announce that it managed to open M.Sc. degree in Environmental Sciences for the second year with total 11 students. Although, this college is considered a [Read More]
Teaching Staff
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology is proud to announce thatits teaching staff reached 53, with Professor 6, Assistant Professor 7, Lecturer 15, and Assistant Lecturer 25.
Environmental Air Pollution
New lectures of Environmental Air Pollution course …Please visit the following LINK.
In a statistic of numbers of the college participants in seminars and conferences for 2013 , there were 81 participations in different scientific and academic activities.
Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met Mrs. Amina Idrees from the college of engineering to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met Mrs. Faiza Abdulkarim from the college of engineering to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met Mr. Mazin Jaber from the college of engineering to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met Mr. Shokur Ghazi from the college of Science to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met Mr. Mahmood Fadhil from the college of Agriculture – Tikrit Universityto discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Dr. Sabah Mohammed from the college of Engineering to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our society.
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadihad met Dr. Ali Ismael from the college of Science to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our society.
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Mohanad Abdulsalam from the directorate of Education in Nineveh to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Moafaq Ali and Mr. Mohammed Nadhum ( M.Sc. students from the college of Electronics) to discuss various environmental issues for [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Raad Ahmed from the college of Education to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our society.
Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Emad Mamdooh from the college of Education to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our [Read More]
Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Hazim Mohammed from the college of Law to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Mostafa Ibrahim from the college of Administration and Economic to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in [Read More]
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal AldinAlahmadi had met Mr. Udai Mohammed from the college of Science to discuss various environmental issues for improving the environmental situation in our society.
The dispatch of Prof. Dr. Muath H. Mustafa from the Department of Environmental Sciences to attend the discussion panel of Master student in Tikrit University.