management of environmental systems
Mr. Ali Thanon had commenced his official duties in our college after finishing his Master degree in the field of "management of environmental systems"
Training course
The nomination of a number of employees to participate in the training course of early detection of breast cancer in women to be held in the college of Nursing for the period 4-5//5/2014.
The Human Resources unit in the College of Environmental Sciences and Technology had processed the files of promotion for a number of the college's employees.
The Research and development unit in the College of Environmental Sciences and Technology had prepared a guide of the continued education to be held in the college for the academic year 2014-2015.
A photography exhibition
Announcement… a photography exhibition will be held in the department of Sociology/ college of Arts for the periods 4-8/5/2014 and 11-15/5/2014.
Monthly report
The unit of scientific affairs/ college of Environmental Sciences and Technology had prepared the monthly report of the college's activities.
A letter of thanks
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had granted a letter of thanks to the committee in charge of transferring the college's belongings to the new building.
Training course
The nomination of a number of the teaching staff in the department of Environmental Sciences to the training course "Principles of biological particle Technologies" for the period 13-17/4/2014.
Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi had met the representative of Ibn Sina company Mr. Ryadh Hussein to discuss the environmental cooperation in the governorate.
Annual report
As part of implementing the financial balance requirements, the achievement of an annual report of management for the year 2013 including integrated analysis for general and financial indications.
M.Sc. in computer science
Mr. Nabeel Tawfeeq had registered for his M.Sc. in computer science studies in Yields university – Turkey.
First international scientific conference
The dispatch of Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim to Jihan university in Erbil to participate in the first international scientific conference for the period 20-21/4/2014.
Study leave
The dispatch of Mr. Thamer Khalil to Baghdad to complete the preparations of his study leave to pursue his PhD in the UK.
Research paper
Dean of theCollege of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadihad received an approval of publishing his research paper in Al-Rafidain Engineering Journal.
The Human Resources unit in the College of Environmental Sciences and Technology had prepared a report of external lecturers who give lectures in our college and aren't employed in other directorates.
Training course
The nomination of Mrs. Batool Younis and Mr. Saad Mahmood to the training course entitled "Formulation and concluding governmental contracts" for the period 11-18/5/2014.
Training course
The nomination of Mrs. Ghaida Ahmed and Mrs. Ibtihal Idrees to the training course "Principles of biological particle Technologies" for the period 13-17/4/2014.
Research paper
Dr. Neif Rahman Ahmed had published a research paper entitled "Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Trifluoperazine. HCl in Pharmaceutical Preparations and Environmental Wastewater Samples: Application to Content Uniformity Testing." In the Research and Review: Journal of [Read More]
The university anniversary
The College of Environmental Sciences and Technology had participated in the festival of the university anniversary with a distinguished achievements including statistics and documentary illustrating the college's history.
Consulting bureaus
Consulting bureaus … Directions of not dealing with consulting bureaus which are not committed to their contractual obligations.