
Two seminars in the Department of Environmental Sciences, the first on choosing the optimal site for burying solid waste and the second on the characteristics and quality of Mosul Dam Lake water..

  Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, and under the supervision and attendance of the Head of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim [Read More]


Publishing a scientific research by two lecturers from the College of Environmental Sciences in an international journal (Q2)..

Lecturer Dr. Muhammad Yahya Alawi and Lecturer Bilal Salem Daoud, lecturers at the College of Environmental Sciences, in cooperation with foreign researchers from different countries of the world, published a scientific research entitled " Proteomic [Read More]


Selection of a lecturer from the College of Environmental Sciences as a member of the scientific committee for an international conference at Oxford University in the United Kingdom..

  Assistant Professor Dr. Suha Abdullah Najm, a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Health at our college, was selected as a member of the scientific committee for the international conference entitled "Annual International Congress [Read More]


Participation of the Head of the Climate Change Department in the discussion of a master’s thesis at the University of Basra..

  Lecturer Dr. Ali Zain Al-Abidin Al-Azir, Head of the Climate Change Department at the College of Environmental Sciences, participated in the discussion of a master's thesis in the Department of Earth Sciences at the [Read More]


A scientific trip for students of the Environmental Technology Department to the Mosul Sewage Treatment Plant..

  Within the directives of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, to support the educational process and under the supervision of the Head of the Environmental Technology Department, Dr. [Read More]


Meeting of the Dean of the College with the Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance Committee in the College..

  The Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, and the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Walid Al-Abbasi, held a meeting with the Psychological Guidance and Educational Guidance Committee [Read More]


A workshop at the College of Environmental Sciences on the environment and the right of individuals to it..

  Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Wahid Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, President of the University of Mosul, and the supervision of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, and [Read More]


Announcement of a workshop at the College of Environmental Sciences on the environment and the right of individuals to it..

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Wahid Mahmoud Al-Ibrahimi, President of the University of Mosul, and the supervision of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, the College [Read More]

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