Announcement … to our dear students.. new lectures in the field of Environmental Air Pollution was uploaded.Please CLICK HERE
The publication of new posters for non-smoking campaign which demonstrates the damages and bad effects of smoking.
The preparation are continued to transfer the deanship and department of environmental technology to the new building of the college of environmental sciences and technologies.
Announcement… to the employees of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology to participate in the training course entitled "Our Safety in our food", which will be held in the college of Education for women/ [Read More]
Meeting of the council of the department of Environmental Technology
The council of the department of Environmental Technology was assembled in 27/2/2014 and discussed the minutes of the scientific session which included the approval on the items of the scientific committee (endorsement of editing books [Read More]
The schedule of the first year students- Department of Environmental Technology
The schedule of the first year students- Department of Environmental Technology for the second term 2013-2014.
The schedule of the second year students- Department of Environmental Technology
The schedule of the second year students- Department of Environmental Technology for the second term 2013-2014.
The schedule of the third year students- Department of Environmental Technology
The schedule of the third year students- Department of Environmental Technology for the second term 2013-2014.
The schedule of the fourth year students- Department of Environmental Technology
The schedule of the fourth year students- Department of Environmental Technology for the second term 2013-2014.
Congratulations for Miss. Mothaina Abdallah, Mr. Ahmed Hazim, and Mr. Falih Hasan for receiving their annual promotion, wishing them all the best.
Scientific symposium
The Foundation of technical education will hold a scientific symposium entitled (the techniques of x-ray ) in the department of medical equipments techniques in 2-4-2014 in collaboration with the technical college/Mosul university.
checking up
29-3-2014 will be the date of checking up all fire extinguishers distributed in different units and departments of the college.
Lectures entitled Environmental Air Pollution had been uploaded on the website for the benefit of our dear students.Please CLICK HERE to review these lectures.
Announcement …
Dear students.. please visit the following website where you could find useful free books in different scientific and environmental fields. CLICK HERE
A letter of Thanks
A letter of Thanks was presented to the following directorate for their assistance to our college's students in the tasks of taking blood samples and measurement of blood pressure, with our appreciation.- The management of [Read More]
Applications of remote sensing course
Assist. Prof. Dr. Basman Younis and Lecturer Abdulrahman Ramzi were assigned to teach the applications of remote sensing course in our college.
Prof. Dr. Nawfal Abdul-Jabar Al-Masri and in collaboration with Assist. Prof. Dr. Mazin Nazar had delivered a lecture entitled (How to write a thesis) on 25/2/2014.
International Science Journal
Dr. Riad Abdullah Al-tai ( a member of the teaching staff of the department of Environmental Technology- college of Environmental Sciences and Technology/Mosul University) was chosen as a member of the editorial board in the [Read More]
Undergraduate research projects
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology corresponded Al-Salam hospital to facilitate the tasks of the fourth year students concerning their undergraduate research projects.
Environment and Pollution Control Research Center
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology decided to permit Prof. Dr. Nawfal Abdul-Jabar Al-Masri to work at the Environment and Pollution Control Research Center for one day a week.