The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology congratulates Dr. Salim Yaseen for receiving a scientific title of Lecturer , wishing him all the best.
Iraqi Science Day
The college Dean, Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadi directed All scientific departments and teaching staff to participate in the Iraqi Science Day organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research where various disciplines [Read More]
Study leave
Mr. Nabeel Zuhair joined the computer science master programme in Yildiz University - Turkey, wishing him all the success.
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology congratulates Dr. Yusra Majeed for being promoted to Assistant Professor, wishing her all the best.
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology congratulates Mr. Raad Mahmood for being promoted to Lecturer, wishing him all the best.
Announcement… to all scholars and graduate students of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology, the college laboratories were supplied with necessary laboratory glassware for your researches and projects, wishing you all the best.
Al-Rafidain Journal of Science
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology received a copy of (Al-Rafidain Journal of Science) issued from the college of Science- Mosul University volume 24, issue 6, 2013, wishing them all the best.
Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment
Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology received a letter of thanks from the president of Mosul University for the release of the first issue.
Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Science
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology received a copy of (Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Science) issued from the college of Veterinary Medicine- Mosul University volume 27, issue 1, 2013, wishing them all the best.
Announcement... the library of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology welcomes all dear scholars and students to join its facilities where they can find the latest issues of specialized books, journals and periodicals covering [Read More]
Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment
The Dean of college of Medicine - Ninavah had presented a letter of thanks to Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology for receiving a copy of this respected scientific journal.
Graduate students
Graduate students of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology pursue their efforts to complete their assigned researches laboratory tasks, wishing them all the best.
The building of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology is almost finished, wishing all college students, scholars and employees all the best.
A letter of thanks
The Dean of college of Science/ Baghdad University had presented a letter of thanks to Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology for receiving a copy of this respected scientific journal.
The exam postponement timetables for graduate students for the department of environmental sciences had been announced.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate students for the department of environmental sciences had been announced.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate students for the department of environmental technology had been announced.
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology had distributed the students grant allocated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research which amounts 150 thousand dinar to graduate students.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate and graduate students will start on 9-2-2014.
Rafidain Journal of Environment
A number of the college teaching staff publishes their researches in Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology, wishing them all the best.