A letter of thanks
The Dean of college of Science/ Baghdad University had presented a letter of thanks to Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology for receiving a copy of this respected scientific journal.
The exam postponement timetables for graduate students for the department of environmental sciences had been announced.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate students for the department of environmental sciences had been announced.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate students for the department of environmental technology had been announced.
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology had distributed the students grant allocated by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research which amounts 150 thousand dinar to graduate students.
The exam postponement timetables for undergraduate and graduate students will start on 9-2-2014.
Rafidain Journal of Environment
A number of the college teaching staff publishes their researches in Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology, wishing them all the best.
Announcement… Al-Rafidain Journal of Environment /The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology welcomes all researchers and scholars who concerned in environmental sciences to publish their research papers in the journal.
Mr. Ahmed Riad has joined the master programme in Lancaster University - UK, wishing him all the success.
Happy retirement
The College of Environmental Sciences and Technology applauds Assistant Professor Dr. Yahya Al-Mashhadani for his years of service and achievement. Dr. Yahya Al-Mashhadani is both a talented researcher and respected teacher. Hoping you will stay [Read More]
The spring vacation had begun on 26/1/2014 and will continue until 9/2/2014, wishing our dear students and employees a happy vacation.
A lecturer from the department of Environmental Technology delivered a lecture entitled environmental pollution in the directorate of Nineveh youth.
The department of Environmental Technology announces the timetables for mid-year postponement exam.
English Course
The college of Environmental Sciences and Technology will hold a developmental course in English language for the teaching staff and intended to be held in the second semester under professional training staff.
Collaboration with public directorates
The Dean of the college of Environmental Sciences and Technology Dr. Khusai Kamal Aldin Alahmadireceived a number of employees of civil public departments and stated that the college is ready to provide environmental expertise and [Read More]
Mosul University expresses its appreciation for a number of the college teaching staff their efforts in the committees of correcting English language proficiency test, wishing them the best.
Training course
Mrs. Montaha Tawfiq had participated in the training course of learning the principles for reading and writing the Syriac language in the college of Archaeology.
Training course
Mr. Bilal Salim had participated in the training course held by the center of studies in Mosul entitled "the benefits of the Iraq Virtual Science Library".
Developmental course
Mrs. Jinan Ibrahim had participated in a developmental course for legal and administrative staff in the college of law.
Scientific visit
A delegate of fourth year students under specialized teaching staff of the college had paid a scientific visit to the factory of cement in Hamam Al-Alil for viewing the practical activities that occur in the [Read More]