
Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences related to innovative scientific methods for treating wastewater from the industrial city of Mosul…

  This morning, Thursday, September 5, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the student Hamsa Ziad Saeed Rashid Al-Obaidi on her thesis entitled "Designing a wastewater treatment unit from the industrial city of Mosul [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences related to the HACCP environmental system and the possibility of applying it in local laboratories..

This morning, Wednesday, September 4, 2024, a discussion of a master's thesis for the student Baqer Tariq Muhammad Al-Imam took place on his thesis entitled "Study of the HACCP environmental system and the possibility of [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences on the effect of the nature of the geographical area on the effectiveness of propolis when used as an antibiotic..

  This morning, Tuesday, September 3, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the student Rawad Khalil Ibrahim Ali Al-Ubaidi on her thesis entitled "The effect of the nature of the botanical geographical area on [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences on broccoli and licorice roots and their inhibitory activity on some bacterial genera.

  This morning, Monday, September 2, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the student Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Al-Taie on his thesis entitled "The inhibitory activity of broccoli extract and licorice root on some bacterial [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences related to the qualitative characteristics of wastewater discharged from Tikrit Teaching Hospital..

  This morning, Monday, September 2, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the student Mustafa Ahmed Habib Hussein Al-Jabouri on his thesis entitled "Evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of wastewater discharged from Tikrit Teaching [Read More]


Discussion of a master's thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences related to rock quarrying in Nineveh Governorate and its geoenvironmental risks.. This morning, Sunday, September 1, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the [Read More]


Announcement of the date of discussing a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences..

  God willing, a master's thesis will be discussed for the student Mustafa Ahmed Habib Hussein Al-Jabouri about his thesis entitled "Evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of wastewater discharged from Tikrit Teaching Hospital and its [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences on the sudden environmental change of the ADORA2A gene and its relationship to panic attacks..

  This morning, Saturday, August 31, 2024, a master's thesis was discussed for the student Sarah Mazid Ali Latif Al-Taie on her thesis entitled "The effect of sudden environmental change on the polymorphism of the [Read More]


Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences on genetic variation in the genes GSTP1 and TNF in patients with asthma..

  This morning, Thursday, August 29, 2024, the discussion of the master's thesis of the student Dima Muhammad Sabah Aziz took place on her thesis entitled "Genetic variation in the genes GSTP1 and TNF and [Read More]


A master’s thesis in the College of Environmental Sciences discusses the effectiveness of filtration systems in removing microplastic particles from household tap water..

Under the supervision of the President of the University of Mosul, Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, and the membership of the Dean of the College of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Yusra Majeed Al-Shaker, the discussion [Read More]

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