Announcement to graduates of the College of Nursing
To the graduates of the College of Nursing (second cycle) for the academic year 2012-2013, Please check Nineveh Health Directorate as soon as possible for the purpose of enrolling in special courses for newly recruited, [Read More]
Distribution of financial grant for nursing students
TheCollege of Nursing has distributed the financial grant for students for the first three months of official working hours for the academic year 2013 - 2014 and for all stages.
Starting the second semester
At the beginning of the second semester, the academic faculty members of the college are starting to attendance with continuing the exam committee to follow up the completion of its work in auditing the students' [Read More]
Due to the lowtemperature degrees in our city, the dean of the College of Nursing Assist. Prof. Dr RadhwanHussein Ibrahimdirected to distributeblankets to nursing students those living in Mosul university's accommodations .
Clinical exams are starting
clinical examsfor undergraduate students of the third and fourth stages are starting in colleges' laboratories, which have been prepared and equipped with the latest equipments and machines, which resemble the work of hospitals.
Gardens Developing
Under the guidance of the Dean of College of Nursing, the college has started to develop its gardens.