30 April، 2013

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the second set of next May date for the celebration of Flag Day – College of Law

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, on Thursday, 2/5 as the date for the Flag Day celebration that will take place in the hall of Hakim at Baghdad University.The Director-General of the Department of Research and Development, Dr. Mohamed Sarraj The celebration will honor the universities or bodies distinct achieved more achievements, and centers and research units outstanding, magazines distinct associations, scientific excellence, and a professor first at the university, and professors academically distinguished and world-renowned, and professors pioneer of the campaign title professor, who obtained the patent.He said the Director-General that he will be at the ceremony honoring the faculty distinguished publishing research in a scientific journal specialized international sober, and graduate students outstanding published research from a research project in a scientific journal specialized international, and the best book author or translator, Nobel Prize innovation or creativity as I know, and the best project for students in grades ended, as well as honoring Iraqi scientists covered by the Order of Excellence.Sarraj added that the paragraphs of honor, bodies and universities and centers, magazines and professors, scientists and students associations, books, magazines and graduation projects based on solid scientific international standards and according to UNESCO disciplines.Moved from the site of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

