3 June، 2013

Platform training session and twenty-ninth organized by the Faculty of Law – University of Mosul

We include below your curriculum development cycle and twenty-ninth as follows:OpeningRecitation from the Holy QuranPassword Mr. Dean, Faculty of LawSpeech Session ManagerShowing of the documentary, scientific and cultural activitiesCall President Dr. session. Mohammed Abbas al-ZubaidiThe end of the first sessionSunday, 02.06- Mr. Judge Amer Merhi Rubaie / ((role of the lawyer in providing defenses and its impactIn ensuring the right to litigate))D. Horses Thamreddhlmy the / ((role of the lawyer in a civil action))Monday, 06.03Dr. Judge Ahmed Alhrithi / ((role of the lawyer in providing defensesThe criminal case at the trial stage))Dr. Talal Abdul Hussein Bedrani / role of the judge in the criminal prosecutionTuesday, 06.04Mr. Judge Bashar al-Jubouri / ((role of the lawyer in legal proceedings))D. Qais Abdul Wahab Hayali / ((problematic divorce reactionary between the text and the application))Wednesday, 05.06Dr. Ammar Saadoun al-Mashhadani / ((legal system of the Agency بالخصومة))M. M. Saddam Khaz'al / ((lights on important decisions of the Federal Court of Cassation))Thursday, 06.06M. Thank proper / ((the professional relationship between human rights lawyer _ the employee and the judge))

