3 July، 2013

Preparatory Committee for the Scientific Symposium XII describes the objectives of the symposium – Faculty of Law

Explained the Preparatory Committee for the leading causes of targets that seek this seminar to be achieved through the opening speech of the Preparatory Committee, as follows: (created by God Almighty man in the best stature and generosity and raise its place among other creatures … However this has suffered rights in antiquity and the middle and modern persecution of his fellow man and his wrongdoing, Vanthect rights and robbed freedoms under the pretexts and justifications for various, which invited scholars, philosophers, and over the centuries to call for the need to provide the necessary protection of human rights and freedoms … By the end of Alqrnalashran acquired the issue of human rights and protection of the community's attention Aldolemen countries and international organizations, both through national legislation or international conventions and agreements in addition to the establishment of the international criminal tribunals … and it came fairly considered that the protection of human rights relevant to the question of keeping international peace and security … and in this sense he sensed a branch of human rights law at the Law Faculty need to hold this symposium ).

