5 July، 2013

The state domain and its impact on the role of the United Nations in the protection of human rights … Fourth title of the lecture at the symposium scientific XII – Faculty of Law

Carried the working paper of the lecture Fourth Scientific Symposium XII title "private sphere the state and its impact on the United Nations role in the protection of human rights" made by the teacher, Dr. Abdel Aziz Ramadan Ali rhetoric, and the most prominent came in this paper refer to the following: put the definition of the private sphere state Problems related to the use of terms and multiplicity both in jurisprudence Arab or western both uses the Arab Writers terms of Internal Affairs and national jurisdiction or domestic jurisdiction or domain saved state while using Jurisprudence western terminology Domestic Jurisdiction or Domestic Affairs or Domestic Competence or even Domestic Reserved., but when you search in the substantive definition, we find that both terms refer to the freedom of the State to exercise jurisdiction unless there restricts the freedom says Professor Mohammad Sami Abdul Hamid from the private sphere "that freedom of the State to exercise jurisdiction unless there is restrict this freedom can not be lifted this restriction or liberation from it only in accordance with the rules of international law ", while our teacher Dr. Amer Abdel Fattah, Jawmrd private area in the country will know that" the activities of the state where competence is not linked to international law. "

