17 November، 2013

Preparatory Committee for the Scientific Symposium of the branch of private law constitute sub – committees work and define the tasks assigned to them ( college of Law )

Approved the Preparatory Committee for the Scientific Symposium XIV formation of a preparatory committee for the symposium scientific and administrative and financial committee , the Committee on Information and relationships, as follows:1. Scientific Committee: Messrs. listed include their names and titles of scientific belowA – d . Ammar al- Saadoun al – Hamid , Assistant ProfessorB – d . Mohammed Saeed al – Nu'man sacrificed Assistant ProfessorT – d . Nada Salem Hamadoun Assistant Professor2. Administration and Finance Committee : Messrs. listed include their names and titles of scientific belowA – Mr. Muhammad Tahir Qasim Assistant LecturerB – Ms. magic about Ghanem, Assistant Lecturer3. Committee on Information and relationships: Gentlemen listed include names and titles of scientific belowA – Ms. magic about Ghanem, Assistant LecturerB – Mr. Fathi Ali Fathi Assistant Lecturer- The sub – committees tasks , including the following :1. Scientific Committee:Rests on the Scientific Sub- Committee of the seminar task of determining the themes of the symposium and its motto The aim of the seminar and conditions of participation.2. Administration and Finance Committee : Is the responsibility of the Administration and Finance Committee seminar sub – task provision of financial Almsttelzmat , administrative and logistical preparations have .3. Committee on Information and relationships: Is the responsibility of the Commission to design and print your seminar rotor and determine the relevant authorities the subject of the symposium and contact , as well as to the realization of the media on the activities of the Preparatory Committee starting from the first meeting of the committee until the completion of the symposium .

