26 December، 2013
The college of law takes a number of measures on the recommendation particular to the symposium ‘The Bane of Drugs is Danger Threatening the Society and Confronting it is the Responsibility of All People’
Through the unit of Research and Development the college of law has taken some measures on the recommendation particular to the symposium ''The Bane of Drugs is a Danger Threatening the Society and Confronting it is the Responsibility of All People:
First: Generalizing recommendation to the following groups:
1.The teaching staff.
2.The college officials.
3.Postgraduate students.
4.Undergraduate students.
Second: Updating information and generalizing it as much as possible.
Third: Urging postgraduate students to research topics related to drags and the law restricting their diffusion.
Fourth: Urging the Unit of Educational Guidance to direct students and educate them to recognize the risks of drugs and the means of their diffusion.
Fifth: Seeking to issue an educational pamphlets particular to drugs.
Sixth: Publishing an educational page on drugs in the journal related to the college of law students ''Ayn ala al_Qanun'' (An Eye on the law) published periodically on students' activities.