31 December، 2020

Scientific discussion _ College of law

In the presence of Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the respected dean of the faculty, Dr. AjyadThamerNayef, the respected head of the private law branch, and Dr. Kedar Abdul QadirSaleh, the respected head of the public law branch

On Monday, 12/28/2020, our college discussed a master’s student in the private law branch, Muhammad Mahmoud Suleiman, about his thesis tagged (insurance from presumptive risk in civil liability / comparative study) under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Siddiq Muhammad Abdullah.

The discussion committee is chaired by Dr. ThanounYunusSaleh / Faculty of Law, Tikrit University, and the membership of Dr. HabibIdrisIssa and Dr. Raeda Muhammad Mahmoud / Faculty of Law, University of Mosul.

The researcher discussed insurance, which is no longer limited to a specific form of its types, such as life insurance or fire insurance, but other forms of insurance were found, especially the form of civil liability insurance. The Iraqi legislator, like other legislators, was keen to regulate the provisions of the insurance contract within the provisions of the civil law within the harm contracts, regardless of the multiplicity of insurance forms, but it combines common denominators, including the presence of a risk that the insured fears to achieve and the consequences thereof, which makes him resort to the insured to guarantee coverage These effects.

The researcher reached a number of results, in the forefront of which was that the presumptive risk is the risk that exists in the minds of each of the contracting parties without requiring its existence from a material point of view, it is a moral risk and the lesson in the insurance contract is in the material criterion which is the presence or absence of risk when concluding the insurance contract As a result, one of the necessary pillars for its meeting will not be held.

At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee accepted the student’s thesis and he was awarded a master’s degree in private law / civil law.

