21 January، 2021

Welcome and introductory meeting _ College of law

The respected Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the dean of our college, met in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Siddiq Muhammad Abdullah, the respected assistant dean for scientific and student affairs, and a number of the college’s teaching staff, and via electronic platforms, on Sunday 10/1/2021 with first-phase students admitted to our college for the current academic year 2020/2021

The Dean welcomed our dear student, in addition to presenting an introductory speech about our college, its branches, mechanism and years of study in it, in addition to explaining the method of electronic study and blended education that was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research due to the spread of Corona virus

The dean of the college and the assistant dean for scientific and student affairs listened to the students ’questions and inquiries, which focused in their entirety on e-learning and the method of receiving the lecture

All questions and inquiries have been answered,

This meeting comes within a series of periodic meetings of the dean of the faculty and the members of the faculty council with our dear request for the purpose of examining the dilemmas and difficulties that our dear students face and working on and overcoming them in light of the specific powers

At the end of the meeting, the dean of the college and the assistant dean for scientific and student affairs and the attendees of the teaching staff wished success and success for our students

