3 February، 2021

(International Day of Education 24/1) _ College of law

The occasion for the International Day of Education this year comes in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has disrupted the educational process all over the world, which has affected the closure of schools, universities and other educational institutions; With the start of the new year, it is now time for intensified international cooperation and solidarity to place education and lifelong learning at the heart of efforts to recover from the pandemic and to transform towards more inclusive, safer and sustainable societies, and to embody the spirit of the International Day of Education

Believing in the role of education in building a sustainable development society, and in the need for serious work to ensure education: good, equitable and comprehensive, at all levels to enable everyone to have access to lifelong education opportunities, to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for effective participation in society, considering education as a safe peace to get out of the tunnel of poverty And moving towards a promising future …. within the framework of international cooperation and solidarity to achieve the humanitarian goal, education for all

There is a tripartite system that can contribute to enriching the quality of education and making it an attainable goal, and it is a system: the democracy of teaching and learning, quality in education, and accountability in the educational system: the democracy of teaching and learning would prepare the learner, the focus of the educational process, to acquire values ​​and behavioral skills for dialogue And participation, adaptation to team work, and a sense of social and moral responsibility, there is a positive relationship between the democratic method of teaching and learning, and the development of the spirit of citizenship and active participation in society

On the occasion of the graduation cycle (our education will not stop) for the academic year 2020-2021, the College of Law at the University of Mosul will remain the mihrab of truth and justice in its continuous endeavor to achieve its goal of building a qualified and competent legal generation, as the college works with its academic and administrative cadres to provide all the requirements of the optimal educational process, It strives to develop the skills so that the college graduate is familiar with the issues of his time and at the same time keen to develop his legal capabilities in the future and advance him to the ranks of developed countries, and that God Almighty crowns our work by seeing our students occupy the highest positions and thus we have performed the trust in the best way for what it contains The elevation of the homeland

Hence, it is imperative that we work more to intensify efforts in order to advance to ensure quality, equitable and inclusive education for all, to enhance learning opportunities, in order to empower the Iraqi government and give its policies and decisions a greater push in the process of rebuilding and modernizing the educational sector and developing the national strategy for education in Iraq, providing a basis. Solidarity for its implementation, and keeping pace with the improvement of the level and effectiveness of education and linking it to the labor market to achieve comprehensive development and community service, which requires serious and practical measures to be taken to improve the quality of education

International Days Events Committee in the Human Rights Law Branch

