17 March، 2021

Meeting _ College of law

Under the supervision of Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the respected Dean of the College, and headed by Dr. Khalaf Ramadan Muhammad the Respected, Associate Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Chairman of the Central Examination Committee in our college for the current academic year 2021/2020, and in the presence of the heads of the examination committees and the technical staff

On Wednesday, 10/3/2021, on the electronic platforms, an expanded meeting was held for the examination committees in our college, as it is close to the start of the mid-year exams for the current academic year, based on the university calendar

During the meeting, the importance of providing all the modern electronic supplies needed for the work of the examination committees and the conduct of the examinations was emphasized in addition to clarifying the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on how and the mechanism for setting the examination questions and determining the places to receive them. Also, during the meeting, training workshops were approved for the faculty and its students to introduce electronic exams And strive to prevent any dilemma, in addition to directing the concerned people in the college, in coordination with the assistant dean for scientific and student affairs, to prepare lists of students’ names and hand them over to the examination committees, complete all student IDs, prepare real and electronic flyers and posters to introduce the examination instructions and cases in which students are allowed to postpone in addition to activating The role of the coordination committees between the morning and evening studies and work on preparing all the requirements of the technical committees and activating the fingerprint system regarding entry to the examination committee halls, which allows only those authorized to enter

