Scientific Symposium _ College of law

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of Mosul University, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. WissamNemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed, Head of the Human Rights Law Branch
On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the Human Rights Law Branch, in cooperation with the Center for Regional Studies, held an international scientific electronic symposium entitled Asylum and the Protection of Human Rights / Study in International Legislations
The symposium started with a speech by Dr. WissamNeamat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law. At the outset, he welcomed the president and members of the Mosul University Council and the honorable presence of researchers, scholars and those interested in legal affairs, addressing the causes and problems leading to the phenomenon of asylum, which is one of the consequences of non-international armed conflicts and the resulting circumstances that push Individuals and families have to leave their homes and seek refuge in places where the most basic necessities of life may not be available, indicating the role of international organizations and bodies that seek to develop solutions to the refugee problem that has become a preoccupation for the international community due to the large number of armed conflicts, pointing to the role of the College of Law at the University of Mosul in shedding light on issues and issues related to Then, Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Omar Al-Nuaimi, Director of the Regional Studies Center, delivered his speech in which he welcomed the guests and attendees, wishing them to benefit from this symposium, which addresses questions related to a wide segment suffering from problems and issues of a high degree of importance as it is related to not All of its effects extend inside and outside the country or countries
The scientific session of the symposium, which was moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Suha Hamid Salim, started and witnessed the presentation of many researches by national and Arab researchers that touched on the national policy for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers, the protection of the human right of asylum, the imperative of combating illegal immigration, and the role of the High Commissioner for Refugees in protecting them. The symposium also dealt with The reasons for asylum within the scope of the 1951 Convention and the exceptions contained therein and the national protection of refugee women from immoral exploitation. It also touched on the environmental refugee from the perspective of international humanitarian law in addition to referring to the international legal regulation of the rights of refugees in international armed conflicts
The symposium witnessed many questions and inquiries that were answered in detail by the researchers
I came out with many recommendations that were submitted to the relevant authorities, and this symposium comes within a series of scientific, cultural and student activities held by our college aimed at shedding light on one of the problems related to the life of society and its members