Constitutional and legal resolution 154 of 2001 _ College of law

Among the direct executive organizational decisions is the decision of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council above. Which gave the administrative authorities and municipalities the power to remove all kinds of abuses on state lands, but the aforementioned decision did not give guarantees to others, especially the questionable act of transgression on his part. Imprisonment of the transgressor, but the Federal Supreme Court, in its decision, considered the power of imprisonment unconstitutional and that the judiciary is the competent authority to imprison the transgressor. It did not provide for the possibility of challenging it legally and by the judiciary. “Therefore, any administrative decision that is not protected by a subsequent judicial oversight or during the implementation of the content of this decision makes it that the administration is in a legal position higher than others, and therefore the principle of legality, which states that the administration is subject to its actions to the law similar to individuals is not achieved. This is the fault of the constitution and the law, especially since the Iraqi parliament issued Law No. 17 of 2005 as amended, which abolished the ban on the law. How many lawsuits arising from the application of laws and decisions of the Revolutionary Command Council, this is what we see according to our legal point of view