5 September، 2021

science activity _ College of law

Assistant Professor Dr. Fathi Muhammad Fathi Al-Hayani, one of the faculty members in the Human Rights Law Branch at the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in a workshop on international humanitarian law and peace studies, which was held by the Iraqi Al-Amal Association and in advance and cooperation with the European Union, which is held within the framework of strengthening peace-building studies in Iraq and in Iraqi universities, including the University of Mosul, which embraces peace-building studies and which the College of Law contributes to a real partnership within the framework of managing this program as a real and effective partner with the College of Arts at the University of Mosul, where he led the workshop sessions, which ran from August 28 to September 1, 2021 Director of Peace Studies And the conflict at the Austrian University of Innsbruck, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Wolfgang, and this participation comes within the keenness of the Deanship of the College to motivate its members to participate in the scientific and cultural activities held by faculties, universities, national, regional and international scientific bodies and institutions, which contributes to the development of knowledge capabilities and knowledge of scientific developments in the field of specialized studies related to the various branches of law and contribute to the transfer of those experiences and Experiences for teachers and students in a way that contributes to advancing the reality of peacebuilding studies in Iraq

