7 September، 2021

Honoring _ College of law

Due to the efforts made by Assistant Professor Dr. Suhaib Khaled Jassim and Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Nazem Daoud / within the owners of the Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul and their role in supporting the scientific process at the University of Mosul and giving distinguished scientific lectures to postgraduate students in the Higher Diploma for Peacebuilding in Faculty of Arts, they were honored with a letter of thanks and appreciation by Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and in turn, the Dean of our faculty, represented by Dr. Wissam Neamat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty, members of the Faculty Council, its scientific and administrative staff, and students, both Dr. Suhaib Khaled Jassim and Dr. Muhammad Nazem Daoud, wish them More practical giving and cognitive creativity

