women forum – college of law

mIn confirmation of the active role of Iraqi women and their participation in various fields of life and in appreciation of the steadfastness of Iraqi women who live in displacement and those who work to provide a safe environment for Iraqis and rid them of the remnants of ISIS terrorist, the Women Empowerment Committee at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, represented by Dr. Shaima Abdul Sattar Jabr and Dr. Alia Ghazi Taher and Dr. Suhad Abdul Jamal Abdul Karim on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at the Student Center Hall at the Presidency of the University of Mosul in the work of the women’s forum tagged (Recovering from ISIS / Women on the Front Lines), which was adopted by UNAMI in cooperation with the Department of Mine Action in Iraq, where the forum included a speech by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Irina Vuyashkova Solorano and the Director of the Mine Action Program in Iraq, Mr. Per Laud Hammer, and these efforts come within the framework of seeking to empower Iraqi women in the post-ISIS era to advance their living conditions and stand up to challenges Economic and environmental, and this participation expresses the keenness of the Deanship of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul in the field She is involved in social and cultural activities and events, in a way that contributes to activating the role of societal elements, of which women are one of its main pillars, by participating in creating a community environment that contributes to the upbringing of generations capable of overcoming any future dilemmas, in addition to her role in building the family and exercising its basic duties within the family and the family