31 March، 2022

Master’s thesis in the human rights law branch on the – College of law

Master’s thesis in the human rights law branch on the international protection of medical personnel during armed conflicts On Sunday, March 20, 2022, the Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul discussed a master’s thesis on the international protection of medical personnel during armed conflicts, a part of which was attended by a number of members of the college’s council and its teachers

The letter submitted by the student Ahmed Zaki Habib in the Human Rights Law branch dealt with the international protection of medical personnel during armed conflicts, as armed conflicts generate tragedies, scourge, killing and families that affect medical personnel who provide their humanitarian services to the wounded and sick during these conflicts, which is represented by violating the rules of international law Customary and Conventional Humanitarian

The study aims to show that the international protection enjoyed by medical personnel is a special protection recognized for them under the humanitarian conventions, including the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the protocols attached to them for the year 1977, as well as the general protection established by international organizations, all of which prohibited their assault, arrest, or even insulting them or obstructing the implementation of their medical missions, and this protection was granted to medical staff because of their humanitarian missions

The discussion committee was chaired by Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, the membership of the Assistant Professor Dr. Qusai Ali Abbas, the Assistant Professor Dr. Abdulaziz Ramadan Ali, and the membership and supervision of Prof. Khalaf Ramadan Muhammad

