Discussion episode – College of law

Under the supervision of Assistant Professor, Dr. Wassam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Mosul University, in the presence of a number of college board members and its faculty members and under the management of Dr. Mohamed Abbas Hamoudi, the Qualification, Employment and Follow-up Unit was held in our college on Wednesday, May 14. A discussion episode titled (Law Firms Between Reality and Ambition) presented during which Dr. Fares Ahmed Al-Dilimi presented a presentation on the work of the United Mosul Law and Legal Consulting Company, then Dr. Ahmed Saleh Al-Jabouri, representative of the Nineveh Lawyer Commission, presented a review of the highlights of the professional rules of behavior of the lawyer and the ethics of the legal profession, and the episode witnessed the guidance of the contagious D of questions and inquiries about its topic by the presence of two research lecturers Academics, in addition to the primary school students, were answered in detail by the incumbents, then the dean of the college honored the lecturers and participants with certificates of participation, and this episode comes within the series of scientific, cultural and student activities organized by the college for students from Aj To sharpen their scientific abilities and prepare them to engage in practical reality after they graduate from College .