28 May، 2022

conferance of students- college of law

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Qusai Kamaluddin Al-Ahmadi, President of Mosul University, and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Wassam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Mosul University, under the slogan (Scientific research is a requirement and a goal), our college held its student conference on Thursday, May 15, 2020 For my marked sixth science (the role of university student in scientific research development) where The conference began with the playing of the national anthem of the Republic of Iraq and reading what was possible from the wise man. Then Assistant Professor Dr. Wassam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, met his speech, which was welcomed by the honorable guests of researchers, teachers and academics, showing the role of the College in its establishment. Scientific activity that was sworn today with its sixth edition student conference For the researches of primary students in our college, with generous sponsorship by Professor Dr. Qusai Kamaluddin Al-Ahmadi, President of Mosul University, we honored the role of students in presenting distinguished scientific research in various branches of law, knowledge and an ideal picture expression bearing the name of the college and its professors, then he threw the ace Assistant Dr. Mohamed Sadiq Muhammad Abdullah Maawon The Dean of Scientific and Student Affairs, Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the conference, his speech in which he welcomed the honorable presence, valued by Dr. Qusai Kamaluddin Al-Ahmadi, President of Mosul University, in supporting our college and its scientific, cultural and student activities, referring to the position and role of our college in Holding scientific activities, especially students, represented by our conference, is one of its main activities. Which represents the role of the college and its endeavor to show the role of the student as a pillar of the educational process, and a documentary film was then shown on the history of scientific student conferences held in our college and then the dean of the college distributed the appreciation certificates to the chairman and members of the preparatory committee and the audience With the participants of the conference, then the session work began. The first scientist headed by both Dr. Naktel Ibrahim Abdulrahman and Dr. Bidaa Abdul-Gawad Muhammad Muqarrra, which witnessed the presentation of a number of legal scientific researches that dealt with artificial intelligence technologies and their applications in general international law and the act of curiosity and protection International climate, marriage of minors, electronic contract, the rule of women in marriage, and closure of criminal lawsuits Then the work of the second scientific session began headed by both Assistant Professor Dr. Raqib Mohamed Jassem and Assistant Professor Ahmed Fares Idris Muqrra, which witnessed the presentation of a number of legal scientific researches that dealt with bullying between pornography and criminalization and the Board of Directors of the company contributing a Especially, the accident lawsuit and the role of the mother in transferring citizenship to the children and relatives The moral person and the procedural payments in civil claims and the theory of emergency circumstances, then the work of the third scientific session began, headed by both Dr. Abbas Fadel Saeed and Professor Saba Muhammad Musa, who witnessed the presentation of a number of legal scientific researches that addressed the oversight expertise of To the Supreme Federal Court in Iraq and the contract of documented credit and enrichment without The reason and role of the Human Rights Council in protecting and developing human rights, the concept of human security, its role in promoting human rights, and the completed role of the right-wing to civil proof and tax reform in the Iraqi Income Tax Law, and finally, the work of the fourth scientific session chaired by Kala has begun. From Dr. Badran Shakib Abdulrahman and Dr. Bushra Khaled Turki, a lecture on which Presentation of a number of legal scientific researches that dealt with the ruling of the buyer’s behavior in the paid, the right of the accused to silence, plastic surgery, the principle of the prohibition of the use of force according to the provisions of international law, the fight against terrorism, and the system of relative representation in elections, and its influence in the counting of votes and Distribution of it on the prosecutors’ seats and the judge’s power to prove the electronic evidence. Thus, the first three researches were announced, and the conference came out with a number of recommendations that have been raised to the relevant parties, and this conference comes within the series of scientific, cultural and student activities of our college during the current academic year 2020-2020.

