8 June، 2022

development course-college of law

Under the patronage of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Neamat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, and under his supervision, the work of the sixty-first development cycle marked administrative and investment contracts held by the Continuing Education Unit for the period from 5-24 to 6-6-2022 was concluded in our college, with the participation of a number of employees working in the Oil Products Distribution Company and the Federal Integrity Commission Nineveh Investigation Department, Nineveh Environment Directorate, College of the Great Imam, College of Science/Legal Affairs and College of Physical Education, where a number of our college teachers gave a number of lectures related to the mechanism of concluding the administrative contract and its types and the role of the Investment Authority in concluding the investment contract and the difference in concluding the administrative contract, the investment contract and the impact The legal framework of the Corona pandemic on contracting and concluding the electronic administrative contract, the administrative contract, the civil contract, and the definition of the investment contract and the difference between the administrative contract and other contracts. more The college and its affiliates are informed of the new cases and issues raised in practice, which helps to adopt new studies and topics.

