26 June، 2022

United Nations Public Service Day – College of law

In the interest of the presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, to build bridges of scientific and academic communication with the community of its various categories and segments, and in an effort by the Deanship of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul to spread the legal culture, the International Days Committee in the Human Rights Law branch has been shedding light on On the international days related to the life of the individual and society, and from these days the United Nations Public Service Day, where the world celebrates on the twenty-third of June of each year the United Nations Public Service Day, the General Assembly, in its resolution 57/277 in 2003, designated this day as Public Service Day, and that In order to celebrate the moral and human value entrusted with public service to societies, to highlight the contributions of public service to the development process, to recognize the work of public service workers, and to encourage young men and women to seek careers in the public sector. The importance of “public service” in the march of societies comesIn devoting the duty of states to what they provide to their citizens to facilitate their lives on their soil, whether directly or indirectly, with the aim of facilitating their lives and giving them a kind of economic and social well-being in various fields within the limits of their authority and material capacity and in accordance with international and global laws. The set of public services that The state provides its citizens with those services belonging to the public sector in the state and organized by it, such as the electric power sector (lighting streets and public squares, connecting electric power to homes and public and private facilities, water networks, building dams and water networks in all regions of the state, and digging artesian wells for the purposes of collecting rainwater to fill the shortage in dry seasons ), the infrastructure (from building roads, paving and restoring them from time to time and building sewage channels, bridges and tunnels), the education sector (constructing public schools, universities, institutes and colleges specialized in all fields), and the education sector.Health (construction of hospitals, medical centers, laboratories, and clinics), the security sector, and protection (public security, police, and civil defense). This concept also includes the services that individuals provide to each other within an organized group, such as school or university students in the organization of voluntary campaigns. To provide a public service to another group of individuals in need of these services without regard to any ethnic, religious or sectarian considerations, so that these services are organized with the intention of providing aid to needy groups and helping them to meet their needsThis concept also includes the services that individuals provide to each other within an organized group such as school students or universities in organizing voluntary campaigns to provide a public service to another group of individuals in need of these services without regard to any ethnic, religious or sectarian considerations, so that these services are organized with the intention of providing aid to groups in need and help them meet their needsThis concept also includes the services that individuals provide to each other within an organized group such as school students or universities in organizing voluntary campaigns to provide a public service to another group of individuals in need of these services without regard to any ethnic, religious or sectarian considerations, so that these services are organized with the intention of providing aid to groups in need and help them meet their needs

In this context, the College of Law, as it salutes all workers in the public service and calls on all state institutions to support this service, evokes the active role played by health sector workers in their continuous pursuit and tireless dedication in facing the repercussions of the Corona pandemic, so pay tribute to the white armies and all public service cadres. .

International Days Committee /

Human Rights Law Branch

college of Law/

University of Al Mosul .

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