3 July، 2022

developing legislation – College of law

Proceeding from the keenness of the presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by the president of the university, Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, to develop various fields related to university life and to work for the development of legislation and instructions for higher education and scientific research, which was embodied in the formation of a central committee in the presidency of the university under his leadership, and in preparation for the work of the committee In order to facilitate the progress of its work, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, chaired a meeting of a number of our faculty’s teachers in the various disciplines of law, and ways were discussed to ensure the development of higher education legislation and scientific research, which contributes to the development and advancement of the scientific and academic process, where the most important were presented. The paragraphs that must be worked on in order to study and submit proposals and studies in this regard, and the selection of an appropriate mechanism for communication and continuity of work was discussed in a way that contributes to achieving the desired goals of re-examining the legislation and instructions in force.This meeting is within the framework of our college’s endeavor to harness all its scientific and administrative capabilities in a way that contributes to achieving the best results in the context of developing legislation and keeping pace with global developments.

