5 July، 2022

Participation in a discussion forum on: Truth disclosure, reparations and – College of law

Participation in a discussion forum on: Truth disclosure, reparations and restorative justice.

Assistant Professor Dr. Luqman Othman Ahmed, one of the teachers of the Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in the work of the dialogue forum tagged (Dialogue Forum, entry points related to restorative justice for the purpose of revealing the truth and reparation in Iraq), which was held in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and organized by Ambionte Dutch Watch and the Iraqi Al-Amal Association, with the support of the German Cooperation GIZ, with the participation of academic and parliamentary figures, general managers in the various Iraqi ministries, representatives of the High Commission for Human Rights, the Martyrs Foundation, and civil society organizations.

The forum’s curriculum included presenting a summary of the executive framework of the project to build the capacity of civil society organizations and stakeholders in comprehensive restorative justice methodologies and dealing with the past, and the achieved results, in addition to conducting an exercise to continue formulating the appropriate points of contact and the policies drawn up in the project on fact-finding, truth detection and reparation for issues related to justice policy reconciliation in Iraq.

This participation comes within the framework of strengthening the scientific partnership aimed at spreading the legal culture among the groups and segments of society within the goal of the University of Mosul in being open to the community and interacting with its various issues, in addition to the College of Law’s endeavor to encourage its members to participate in scientific, cultural and academic activities in a way that contributes to developing capabilities and enhancing skills related to science. Legal and its various aspects.

