International Day of Friendship – College of law

In the interest of the presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by Prof. Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, on the need to open up to society and within the plans and programs of the Deanship of the College of Law to spread legal culture among the various segments of society, the International Days Committee in the Human Rights Law branch has been reminding the international days of Relevance to the life of the individual and society, and from these days the International Day of Friendship proclaimed by the General Assembly in 2011 (which falls on July 30 of each year) during its 65th session, bearing in mind that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can become an inspiring factor For peace efforts and an opportunity to build and extend bridges between societies and to respect cultural diversity, the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 65/275, specifically stressed the importance of involving youth and future leaders in community activities aimed at tolerance and respect between different cultures. The purpose of the International Day of Friendship is to supportThe goals and objectives of the Declaration and Program of Action of the General Assembly on a Culture of Peace and the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. .
On this occasion, the Faculty of Law reiterates the importance of friendship and its active role in sustaining peace among peoples of all its components and spectra, as it is the cornerstone of communication between societies of different sects, religions and nationalities to spread a culture of non-violence and tolerance among individuals within societies and between them and other countries because of its active role in Spreading the idea of accepting the other and rejecting hate speech and respecting people’s cultures. Therefore, the College of Law calls on civil society organizations, academics, clerics and all spectrums of Iraqi society to spread a culture of tolerance and for everyone to live in safety, friendliness and understanding in a world in which concepts overlap and a culture of violence has spread in the absence of a culture of dialogue The acceptance of the other, especially in light of societies that are victims of international and non-international conflicts.
On this occasion, we pray to God Almighty that security and safety prevail in all countries, especially our country Iraq, and that the reminder of this day contribute to communication with and solidarity with all countries, and for everyone to enjoy assistance, solidarity and cooperation, which are outcomes of true friendship for individuals and for all peoples.
International Days Activities Committee/
Human Rights Law Branch/
college of Law/
University of Al Mosul .