scientific lecture – College of law

Assistant Professor Dr. Ziad Abdel Wahab Abdullah Ahad, a teacher in the Human Rights Law Branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, participated in delivering the scientific lecture tagged (international conventions and national legislation to promote the right to a healthy environment) within the work of the scientific workshop tagged with the role of national legislation and international agreements to reduce polluting emissions to the environment Which was established by the Regional Studies Center at the University of Mosul on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, in the presence of the center’s teaching staff.
The researcher pointed out: The environment is defined as the set of natural and social resources available at a certain time in order to satisfy human needs. Intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes acts that led to its pollution, and then it was necessary to have procedures and mechanisms to work to stop and eliminate this pollution. It is sufficient alone, especially in light of technological development and the emergence of other types of pollution, such as cross-border pollution, which constitutes a violation of the human right to the environment, which is one of the modern human rights that fall within the third generation of human rights, which are known as solidarity rights.