5 October، 2022

National Day of the Republic of Iraq – College of law

In the interest of the Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul and members of the Faculty Council to spread the legal culture among the groups and segments of society, the Faculty of Law, represented by the Human Rights Law Branch, has been celebrating and highlighting national days, as today falls on the National Day of the Republic of Iraq and corresponding to the third of October, where the Republic of Iraq celebrates And the Iraqi people in general on this national occasion, which coincides with the date of Iraq’s entry and accession to the League of Nations As the first global international organization in the history of the international organization and its exercise of its international legal rights, as a country with its independent entity, political system, people, territory, and international legal personality, with its flag and presence in the international community.On this blessed occasion, the Deanship of the Faculty of Law and its distinguished faculty council members congratulate all Iraqis on this great occasion.National and International Events Committee /human rights branchcollege of Law/University of Al Mosul .

