20 October، 2022

community science communication – College of law

Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Neamat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, received the Dean, Director of Internal Affairs and Security in Nineveh Governorate, Brigadier General Shaker Juma Sultan Al-Dhiabi, where they discussed issues related to the application of theoretical legal aspects on the ground within the framework of the concerted efforts of the Directorate of Affairs in the Ministry of Interior And the rest of the security services in the exercise of their duties to achieve security for the citizen and society and protect the country from various types of crimes and criminals, and our dear college guest attended the discussion of one of the graduate students in the private law branch, and at the end of the visit the College Dean honored the dear guest with a certificate of appreciation that represented the college’s thanks and respect for the heroes of our security services in their various workplaces.

