8 November، 2022

Announcement from the Advisory Committee of the – College of law

Announcement from the Advisory Committee of the International Committee of the International Conference to be held by the University of Mosul, which is back from the site of the sky.
Organization of conferences from 28 to 30 November 2022
And under the title
Education for Peace in Iraq
Building peace through education
Participation in the conference:
Workshops, workshops, workshops, workshops, vision, vision, your workshop, by implementation:

The title of the workshop is consistent and consistent with the title of the conference, which is the role of education for peace in Iraq.
Workshop axes
The workshops are offered under the following titles
The right to education between international conventions and national legislation
The role of education in countering violent extremism
The reality of education in Iraq / Nineveh Governorate and its impact on peacebuilding efforts
Education and religious diversity and its impact on promoting peace and community coexistence
Determining the target group of male and female students in Iraqi universities, and the balance in the number of males and females in each workshop should be taken into account.
Determining the main objectives of the workshop, upon which the pre and post evaluation of the workshop is measured.
Each workshop includes an hour and a half, including a 15-minute break.

The use of modern means of presenting information as well as the presence of motivational activation exercises that include developing the exploration skill of the trainees.
A pre- and post-evaluation form for trainees is distributed at the beginning and end of the workshop, and the differences between the two forms are analyzed for each trainee, and then a workshop report is written that includes the course of the workshop and the differences caused by the workshop, as well as the most important quotes issued by the trainees.
Documenting the workshop with a number of general photographs of the workshop, taking into account the approval of the trainees before filming and attached to the training report.
Each participant submits a summary of the workshop, including the title of the workshop and the goals it seeks to achieve, and attaches this to the scientific biography with a personal photo.
Submissions for participation in the conference will be from 11-2 to 11-11-2022 from the following link:

The files of the workshop title, summary, CV and personal photo shall be sent to the conference e-mail:
[email protected]
