10 November، 2022

Instructional lecture – College of law

Within the indicative workshop held by the Department of Architecture at the College of Engineering at the University of Mosul, Assistant Professor Dr. Ziyad Abdel Wahab Abdullah, one of the human rights law branch teachers at the College of Law at the University of Mosul, gave a lecture on student discipline instructions No. 160 of 2007 and amended by Instructions No. 169 of 2018 where it was explained and clarified The above instructions are in addition to the statement of legal responsibility arising from the misuse of social media by university students, with a statement of the legally prescribed penalties. The lecture witnessed a remarkable presence. From teachers, administrators and students who asked many questions and inquiries about the subject of the lecture, they were answered in detail by Dr. Ziad Abdel Wahab Abdullah, who was honored by the Presidency of the Department of Architecture, and this participation represents the distinguished role of our college in interaction with the rest of the universities, colleges, research centers, scientific institutions and community organizations In the context of its contribution to the dissemination of legal culture.

