11 December، 2022

International Human Rights Day – College of law

International Human Rights Day….
(dignity, freedom and justice for all)
In the interest of the Dean of the College of Law at the University of Mosul and the members of the College Council to spread legal culture among the groups and segments of society, the College of Law, represented by the Human Rights Law Branch, has been celebrating international days and highlighting them, as the international community celebrates Human Rights Day on December 10 of each year, which commemorates the day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted HYPERLINK “https://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Pages/UDHRIndex.aspx” the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Human Rights Day officially kicked off in the year 1950, after the General Assembly issued Resolution No. 423, in which it called on all states and international organizations to adopt December 10 of each year as International Human Rights Day.
The Declaration consists of a preamble and thirty articles, which is the common ideal that all peoples and nations should reach. It defines a wide range of basic rights and freedoms that we are all supposed to enjoy. It also guarantees the rights of everyone everywhere, without discrimination on the grounds of nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, language or other status.
The United Nations celebrates this occasion this year under the slogan ((Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All)) to call for action and defend the principles of human rights, in a defense campaign that extends for a full year until 10-12-2023 to remember the sacrifices of human rights defenders, experts and activists around the world.
On this occasion, as the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul affirms the justice of the issue of human rights and the centrality of the Universal Declaration, it draws inspiration from it and its message of the principles of dignity, freedom and justice and calls on the international community to do more for the sake of man and his rights in light of the increasing threats that touch the essence of rights and the centrality of freedoms, as manifestations of exclusion and discrimination are exacerbating Civic space is declining, poverty and hunger are rising, millions of children are being denied their right to education, and inequality is widening.
The Faculty of Law also calls on all state institutions to do more in order to perpetuate, protect and guarantee human rights by eliminating all forms of violation of rights such as civil, economic, cultural, social and political rights for the benefit of all people everywhere. As that is the path that leads to the realization of human rights and freedoms and rebuilding confidence in justice and in the integrity of laws and institutions, and the belief that achieving a decent life is possible, and the belief that people will be able to defend their issues in a framework that provides them with justice and to find solutions to their grievances in peaceful ways.
The college also directs all its students and professors to be inspired by the values and rules of the academic declaration, in a way that contributes to spreading the culture of human rights and directing the necessary recommendations to all state institutions.
Every year, the human cause is just and deserves more effort and giving
International Days Committee /
Human Rights Law Branch /
college of Law /
University of Al Mosul .

