9 January، 2023

Announcement of an introductory symposium on – College of law

Announcement of an introductory symposium on global scholarships for students of the final stages
The Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at the Presidency of the University of Mosul, in cooperation with the International Academy for Leadership and Development IALD, resides for its residency.
An introductory symposium on global scholarships for students of the final stages, on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at exactly ten o’clock in the morning, and in the hall of the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies. Commensurate with the launch of the application for the global scholarships shown below:
• Grants provided by the Scholarships Department at the Ministry of Higher Education
Grant of hope
• Turkish Government Scholarship
• Government Universities Scholarship in Ireland
• DAAD program of the German Agency for Cultural Exchange
• Chevening Scholarship Programme
• TUBITAK Turkish Scholarship

