12 January، 2023

scientific lectures – College of law

In the interest of the Deanship of our college for the future of our students, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the College, accompanied by the Assistant Dean for Scientific and Student Affairs and the Chairman of the Educational Guidance Committee in the college, inspected the course of scientific lectures for primary school students / evening students, as he stressed the importance of scientific continuity and follow-up of the scientific process. Especially since the university student is a scientific project that is prepared at the university to engage in the practical milieu in the various departments and institutions of the state, and the student of law faculties enjoys special importance as he is considered one of the main pillars contributing to the application of the law and the protection of public and private rights. Any dilemma could hinder the scientific process, and at the end of the meeting, he wished success to our dear students.

