30 January، 2023

scientific conference – College of law

Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nimat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, and Assistant Professor Dr. Fathi Muhammad Fathi, one of the teachers of the Human Rights Law Branch, participated on Thursday, January 26, 2023, in the work of the scientific conference entitled Combating Hate Speech and Promoting Social Cohesion, which was held by the Popular Aid Organization PAO_Nineveh Office In cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) within the activities of the project of empowering and engaging community mechanisms with local authorities to enhance social cohesion. In promoting societal cohesion, the participation of our college teachers also comes within the activities of its deanship in scientific communication and knowledge interaction in order to achieve scientific progress and the role of this in introducing the individual and society to their rights and obligations approved by national legislation and international instruments.

