22 February، 2023

Social Justice – College of law

The term social justice is synonymous with economic justice, as it includes equality and reducing economic and social differences between groups of society. Achieving equality in the distribution of economic resources and equality in the distribution of tax burdens and social costs, as well as the application of social policies based on the concept of participation and participation, the promotion of civil rights, and the application of the principle of social responsibility for companies operating in the private sector, as these policies help in eradicating poverty and reducing the rate of poverty and destitution In societies within the territory of the state and between societies of states, and in this context, the United Nations celebrates on this day the Day of Social Justice and allocates programs and studies in this field as the world day of social justice.
Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Khattabi /
International Holidays and Days Committee/Human Rights Law Branch/
collage of rights/
University of Al Mosul

