16 July، 2023
Doctoral thesis in the General Law Branch on Legislative Policy in Disciplinary Penalties

The General Law Branch of the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul discussed on Thursday, July 13, 2023, his PhD thesis on Legislative Policy in Disciplinary Penalties, attended by Dr. Khalaf Ramadan Mohamed, Assistant Dean for Administrative and Finance Affairs, and a number of members of the Faculty Council.
The thesis presented by the student Khaldoun Fadel Ali in the Public Law Branch took on disciplinary penalties and the role of the legislator in disciplinary penal penalties and took several appropriate measures, of which the constitutional texts contain rights and freedoms and basic principles, and in the subjective aspect, the legislator should be relevant with a set of principles in the penalties stages The three are the stage of determining the features of the punishment, the stage of imposing the penalty and not imposing more than a penalty on one act.
The thesis reached a statement on how the principles and legal foundation of the constitution are adopted by the founding power based on the philosophy of the holders of power, and then comes the translation of these ideas into legislative texts through legislative policy as a process that the legislator utters through the alignment of constitutional, judicial principles, customs and traditions dominant in society and thought. The international with the necessities of the social, economic and political society, with the aim of the legislation age, achieving the regular flow of public facilities and the public interest at the age of disciplinary punishment, taking into account the factors that affect it positively and overcome the obstacles it is exposed to.
The discussion committee was headed by Mr. Dr. Hassan Muhammad Ali, the membership of Mr. Dr. Qaidar Abdul Qader Saleh, the assistant professor Dr. Sarmad Riyadh Abdul Hadi, the assistant professor Doctor Fawaz Khalaf Daher, the assistant professor Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed, the membership and the supervision of the assistant professor Dr Naktal Ibrahim Abdulrahman