1 August، 2023

Fine art exhibition

Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of our Faculty, and a number of members of the College Council, participated on Monday, July 31, 2023, in the opening of the art exhibition, which was held at the hall of the French-Iraqi Cultural Institute for the creative Iraqi painter Beida Muhammad Ali, where the exhibition included a number of hand-painted paintings that expressed the Iraqi environment and archaeological and heritage sites, as the exhibition aims to present an introductory cultural image of our dear Iraq and the diversity of its climate, atmosphere, heritage and civilization, and This exhibition is part of a series of national and international exhibitions of painting above, and represents the participation of our college in the opening ceremony of the above exhibition within its quest for knowledge communication and community enlightenment of our dear Iraq, its atmosphere, environment and culture as a civilized cradle and a radiant center that contributed and contributes to providing humanity with various types of science and knowledge on its diversity and diversity.

