20 August، 2023

World Humanitarian Day

Humanitarian action is important because of its consequences, especially for those affected people, and what is provided to them by those people who give themselves to humanitarian relief.
On 19 August 2003, an attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad killed 22 humanitarian aid workers, including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Iraq, Sergio Vieira de Mello. Five years later, in 2008, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring August 19 as World Humanitarian Day. Humanitarian workers venture deep into the affected areas and on the front lines and move forward towards providing humanitarian work to those people who rise up when disasters occur, whether natural or human-induced, to provide a helping hand to those affected. Out of this importance, the international organization will use digital art to tell the stories of people in need and those who help them, and there is a series of files in the form of pictures in the campaign to introduce their efforts,,,
The Humanitarian Work Day is a new day added to the international days in the United Nations, which expresses the love of goodness, extending a helping hand, solidarity with others, sharing the suffering and providing sufficient expertise in the humanitarian and practical fields in order to reduce the consequences of any humanitarian damage, and the World Humanitarian Day aims to mobilize efforts and praise what is provided by those who risk providing humanitarian relief of large and important services during and after the occurrence of crises and disasters, which is a call to maintain their safety. And their security from any attack because they carry a humanitarian message and a positive reaction to every negative or harmful action that affects humans, the environment and life.

