30 August، 2023
Thanks and appreciation,,,

Considering the outstanding efforts made by Dr. Saad Salem Sultan, a professor of the Human Rights Law Branch at the Faculty of Law at the University of Mosul, through his participation in the activities of the Second International Scientific Conference held at the Faculty of Basic Education at Salahuddin University, he was honored with a letter of thanks and appreciation by the assistant professor Dr. Mazkin Abdul Rahman Ahmed Dean of the Faculty of Basic Education at Salahuddin University, and in turn congratulate the Dean of our college represented by the assistant professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of the Faculty, members of the Faculty Board, its academic and administrative staff, and its student Dr. Saad Salem Sultan, wishing him more scientific innovation and cognitive giving service to the path of science and knowledge in our college The dear, our Iraqi University and our father Iraq.