13 September، 2023

a TV meeting,,,

In the interest of the Deanship of the College of Law at the University of Mosul to value the scientific, research and administrative positions of its members who had a distinguished imprint in establishing and advancing a scientific edifice in our university and Mosul, represented by the College of Law, Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim Al-Saadi, Dean of our College, participated in the presence of Professor Dr. Hashem Al-Mallah and Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Abdel-Wahab Al-Hayali, and as part of the Khaledoun Media program, in the television interview of the Mosuliya satellite channel, in memory of the martyr, Professor Dr. Laila Abdullah Saeed, where the program touched on the upbringing of the martyr of Mosul and Iraq, her family upbringing, her scientific and administrative biography, and her national positions, in addition to her humanitarian contributions at the societal level, where the audience emphasized that Dr. Laila Abdullah Saeed, the pioneer of legal studies in Mosul Al-Hadbaa, as the first Mosul woman to specialize in legal studies. The meeting also touched on her scientific works, which exceeded forty specialized scientific papers, in addition to her national and international scientific participation and work on developing draft laws internally and internationally, with reference to the positions of the College of Law and the University. Mosul in valuing the distinguished scientific, national and humanitarian efforts of the martyr of knowledge and pen, as the College of Law named its main hall after the martyr Dr. Laila Abdullah Saeed, considering her a beacon of knowledge and an icon of creativity in the humpbacked city of Mosul,,,
May God have mercy on our dear martyr and place her in spacious gardens.
Below is the link to the meeting


