25 September، 2023

a TV meeting,,,

In the interest of the presidency of the University of Mosul, represented by Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, President of the University of Mosul, in the necessity of community interaction and communication, and with the follow-up of Assistant Professor Dr. Wissam Nemat Ibrahim al-Saadi, Dean of the College of Law, and the members of the College Council, the importance of striving to spread legal culture among the various groups and segments of society, Al-Nour Radio met within the program Legal insights from Dr. Fathi Ali Fathi, one of the teachers of the private law branch at the College of Law at the University of Mosul / Chairman of the Editorial Board of Al-Rafidain Law Journal, who spoke about the subject of the lawsuit to remove communism, touching on its legal and societal aspects, indicating the source of communism, which is represented by inheritance, stressing the role of the existing relationship between the heirs on the lawsuit. Eliminating commonness with the necessity of adopting legal methods to avoid problems and dilemmas that may appear in the future, explaining in a precise manner the meaning of commonness and the legal restrictions on the right to dispose of it, touching on the types of common property, indicating the role of the laws that govern this type of ownership, pointing to the integrity of Iraqi law with regard to issues. related to common ownership compared to the rest of the Arab legislation, explaining the legal procedures that must be resorted to when conducting this type of lawsuit, including division, its types, bidding, its terms and conditions, and the extent of the possibility of selling if the price reaches the percentage of the legally estimated value, touching on the legal culture of issues related to common ownership and the extent of its impact on relations. existing social and societal stability. This meeting comes within a series of radio and video interviews in addition to the societal and cultural activities of our college’s members within the scope of its deanship’s endeavor to introduce the societal rights and obligations approved by laws and legislation, with an explanation of the procedures and restrictions that must be adhered to in order to avoid any error that could result in a legal impact affecting the The owner of the right and interest

