5 October، 2023

Scientific lecture

Within the framework of the History Department at the College of Education for Humanities and in the presence of the Head of the History Department and his academic staff, and within the Legal Clinic Program of the College of Law at the University of Mosul, Assistant Professor Dr. Ziad Abdel Wahab Abdullah, one of the teachers of the Human Rights Law Branch within the Legal Clinic programs at the College of Law, gave a speech entitled (The Legal Clinic in the Service of the University) ) A scientific lecture that addressed (Law of Discipline of State and Public Sector Employees No. 14 of 1991), in which he shed light on the concept of the public job, the definition of the employee, his job duties, disciplinary penalties, and mechanisms for appealing them. At the conclusion of the lecture, the audience asked many questions and inquiries about the topic of the lecture, which were answered in detail. By those in charge of it, the lecture concluded with the Deanship of the College of Education for Human Sciences honoring Dr. Ziad Abdul-Wahab Abdullah with a shield of creativity and excellence and a certificate of appreciation. This lecture comes within the plans of the Deanship of the College of Law and its programs to communicate and interact with the rest of the colleges of the University of Mosul and its research centers in a way that contributes to spreading legal culture among the classes. Society and its various segments.

